Verizon Connect ئاپەکان

Networkfleet Driver
Verizon Connect
Networkfleet Driver app allows drivers to view, navigate and manageschedules.
Fleet Hardware Installer by Verizon Connect
Verizon Connect
In order to get the most value out of your equipment, a properinstallation and quality assurance check is critical. With theHardware Installer you can quickly evaluate and adjust theconfiguration and installation status of your entire fleet. * ViewLinked / Unlinked Vehicles * Pair Device and Vehicle with a simplewizard flow * Upgrade a Device in a Vehicle * Run an Ad-hoc QA ofthe installation and configuration * Get helpful suggestions duringthe QA so you can quickly resolve any common installation issues
WorkPlan by Verizon Connect 4.37.18
Verizon Connect
WorkPlan brings work orders, job lists and form delivery into thefield
Trips by Verizon Connect 1.5.4
Verizon Connect
It’s great having the flexibility to use a vehicle for bothbusiness and private journeys. What’s not great is sorting out thetax and administration nightmare at the end of the month. All thosescraps of papers, abstract notes and wayward logbooks -fortunately, there’s a better way. Trips (formerly known asLogbook) automates much of the trip information needed to classifyjourneys, making it simple to assign and categorize business trips.Capture useful trip data automatically including: - Mileage - Routehistory - Fuel used - Start and Stop times - Average speed Tripsgives you an easier, more accurate way to prepare mileage claims,trip reporting or tax returns. Log business trips on the go - Makefast work of your unsorted trips and have it automatically syncwith the office for accurate, same-day reporting. Reliable mileagereports - Record each trip automatically, in real time, capturingmileage using the vehicle’s own engine diagnostics. Business triplabels - Assign work-related journeys to a specific purpose usingcolor-coded labels for better insight and analysis of businesstrips. You must have Trips enabled on your Verizon Connect Fleetaccount to use this app. If you’re interested in signing up,contact your account manager or visit tofind out more.
Reveal Locator
Verizon Connect
Quickly access your Verizon Connect Reveal Locator whenever youneedit. Because the pressure to keep up with your business doesn’tstopwhen you are away from your office, the Reveal Locator appallowsyou to access key location and status information about yourfleetinstantly. Instantly see which vehicles are moving, stoppedoridling. * View your fleet by vehicle status; * See which driversareassigned to your vehicles; * See Live Traffic conditionsaffectingyour fleet. Please Note: You must be a Verizon Connect,formerlyFleetmatics, REVEAL customer to use this app. Not aVerizon Connectcustomer yet? Contact us to find out more. US:866-844-2235,England: 0800-975-4566, Scotland: 0141-354-1770,Ireland:01-499-6200
Work Mobile
Verizon Connect
Work Mobile is for customers using Verizon Connect Work. If you’rea customer of Verizon Connect’s Workforce, download WorkPlan.Verizon Connect Work’s new fieldworker app, Work Mobile, letstechnicians in the field receive job details and share notes,photos and signatures with Admins in the office -- all withimproved speed and performance. What’s new in Work Mobile - Fasterperformance when accessing job information. - New mobileexperience, designed by customers like you. - Improved Map &Jobs List with job assignments. - Multi-photo upload with thumbnailand gallery view. - Automatically work offline when jobs are out ofrange. Get access to these features, too. - See job details,contact information and special instructions. - Get instant updatesthrough push notifications. - Quickly complete a checklist at thestart and end of a job. - Record findings and work performed onsite. - Capture photos of the site to provide proof of service. -Collect customer signatures when the work is complete. - Recordparts used and time spent on the job site. - Track when the jobstarts, when it’s in progress and when it’s finished. - Sendinvoices and track payments right from the field. Not a VerizonConnect Work customer? Sign up for a demo, or contact us at866-844-2235 to help you get started.
Navigation by Verizon Connect 6.26.1
Verizon Connect
Changing the way drivers navigate the worldwide road network
Integrated Video
Verizon Connect
Integrated Video, the power of HD video and AI on the RevealPlatform.
Spotlight by Verizon Connect
Verizon Connect
Spotlight enables easy access to manage your vehicles, drivers, andassets.
Reveal Manager
Verizon Connect
Access all the great functionality of your Verizon Connect,formerlyFleetmatics, Reveal fleet tracking account whenever youneed it,wherever you need it. Because the pressure to keep up withyourbusiness doesn’t stop when you are away from your officecomputer,the Reveal Manager mobile app allows you to access keyinformationabout your fleet. This anytime access to real-time datagives youfull functionality and allows you to stay in touch witheachvehicle’s performance, compare it with your benchmarks,receivealerts, investigate incidents in the field, and, ifnecessary, sendthe nearest technician to an urgent job. Now youcan run your teamas smoothly from your smartphone as you do fromthe office, whetheryou’re in the field, in meetings, or at theairport. • Androidnative app gives you full functionality, notjust mobile webbrowsing. • Quickly locate any driver in yourmobile workforce orfind the nearest technician to an urgent job •Stay in touch withperformance against your benchmarks withDashboard metrics andScorecards • Receive real-time activityalerts and notifications onyour phone • Drill down into RouteReplay to investigate incidentsin the field • Create a newGeofence from anywhere Please Note: Youmust be a Verizon Connect,formerly Fleetmatics, REVEAL customer touse this app. Not aVerizon Connect customer yet? Contact us to findout more. US:866-844-2235, England: 0800-975-4566, Scotland:0141-354-1770,Ireland: 01-499-6200
Verizon Connect
Manage Hours of Service paperwork with REVEAL Logbook ELD edition
Workforce by Verizon Connect 4.2.1
Verizon Connect
You must be a Workforce customer to use this app. WorkforceMobileis the perfect companion app for your mobile field workers.Viewyour optimized job order list and submit required electronicforms.View details about the job site & set a job status tokeep yourteam up to date. Be able to easily assign yourself to avehicle andsubmit any required DVIR’s. In built messaging allowsyou to stayin communication with your team while out in the field.Use the"Today" screen to get a snapshot of your upcoming jobs,recentmessages, and submit any forms on demand. If you’reinterested insigning up, contact your Verizon Connect accountmanager to findout more.
Field Service Dispatch by Verizon Connect
Verizon Connect
Field Service Dispatch for Reveal makes it easy for dispatcherstoefficiently schedule and communicate about jobs withtechniciansand customers. With the Field Service Dispatch MobileApp,technicians can easily share job progress and important jobdetailswith the office, helping to simplify communication andincreaseproductivity in the field. Technicians can also captureproof ofservice details like job notes, photos and signatures. Whyuse it:Improve team communication Easily view jobs for the day andreceivenotifications when your schedule changes. No need tocontinuallycall the office. Reduce paperwork Quickly captureimportant jobnotes, photos and signatures in the app to helpeliminatecumbersome paperwork. Save time Access everything you needto comeprepared for the job—including customer information,location anddirections. Easy onboarding Get up and running withtheapp—designed based on customer feedback. No experience ortrainingrequired. What’s included: Job schedule and details Viewjobs thatneed to be completed for the day and any upcoming work.Job statusKeep dispatchers updated on job status as you progressthrough yourday, including travel time and time on site. NotesRecord detailednotes describing the work that was completed toinform future work.Photos Capture photo evidence of work completedand provide proofof service. Signatures Collect signatures beforeand after the jobto confirm that customers are satisfied with thework.Notifications Receive alerts when there’s a schedule change.Workoffline Continue using the app when there's no signal.Informationwill sync when you're back online. Not a Field ServiceDispatchcustomer? Contact the Verizon Connect team at 866.844.2235torequest a live demo.
Reveal Hardware Installer
Verizon Connect
Verizon Connect customers expect their devices to beinstalledcorrectly and quality checked so they can track andmonitor theirvehicles and assets with ease. The Reveal HardwareInstaller appguides you through the installation process and helpsyou run QAtests for each device you install.
Hum: GPS Locator 9.123.2252.332
Verizon Connect
Enjoy peace of mind knowing your family is safer wherever the roadtakes them.
Networkfleet Manager
Verizon Connect
Networkfleet Manager helps manage your fleet, create and updatedriver schedules